Friday, April 17, 2009

Selling Myself for Worthless Bits of Nothing

"Why do you sell yourselves for naught?"

The words of Scripture stopped me in my tracks. I had wanted a quick thought as I went on with my day... and I certainly found a something to think about. It's been incessantly running through my head in recent days.

"Why do you sell yourselves for naught?"


Why do I?

Why do I trade something of so much value for something so fleeting, so foolish?

Why do people exchange their souls for a glance, a smile, a smooth hand on their shoulder, coarse laughter, a bit of tinsel?

Why have my friends given up what has taken twenty or thirty years to develop in their lives... for nothing?

Why do we value what is worthless?

Why do we shrug at the things that really matter?

Why does my heart crave for the worthless approving glances of those who scorned my Savior?

Why? I don't know. I'm ashamed that I love worthless stuff so much.

But God asks us that question. And then He waits. Heaven is silent.

I think He waits for us to humbly hang our heads and turn to him from our foolish nothingness..


Ruth Ueland said...

That's something really good to think about.

Rachel S. said...

I'm not sure whether to say "Amen" or "ouch!".... that's a great thought provoker of an article! Thanks!