Saturday, November 28, 2009

Anybody Can Make a New Ending

"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning,
but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”- M. Robinson

I came across this quote today and loved it. So often, people despair because of the way things started. But, the beginning is not the end! Start anew with whatever it is that you should do better!

And now, I shall hustle off to the kitchen to make a better ending to the day. Not that the day started badly... actually, it started quite splendidly with me waking up half an hour before my alarm clock. :) I got spend some extra time reading and meditating on the Sermon on the Mount, and for a change, I managed to stick to my to-do list today and check off an awful lot of things that needed to be done.
But now it's time to make a feast for Noah's 19th birthday! I'm the only person home at the moment, so I'd better hurry to get the cake baked and turned into a big bowl of caramel trifle and get the hamburgers cooking!