Friday, January 9, 2009

Barlow Visit!

Our "adopted" niece and nephews came to see us over New Year's. They stayed for nearly a week before they had to head back to Nevada. It was delightful to have enough babies for everyone to hold while they were here!

Above: A family picture in the pasture....
When Ellie has baby number five this summer,
she will be the mother of five children, four and under!

Dear little Thaddaeus (1)

Sam takes Adam (4) for a walk!

Mary helps Carolanne (2) make chocolate chip cookies

Noah stole the babies whenever he could! (Above: Thad)

Liz and Carolanne

Isaiah David Phillip was so proud of his little namesake - Isaiah David (7 mos)

Ellie with her little Isaiah

Adam has started the violin. It was so fun to watch him play!

Carolanne is such a little lady. She speaks in this sweet little soft voice and likes to call people "honey" and wear princess dresses. Poor thing has three brothers - we're hoping that number five (due in July) is a sister for Carolanne!

A hayride with the babies, the neighbors, and Sarah and Emily B.
Above: Ellie with Thad and Joanna with Carolanne

Abe with two of his babies

Bedtime was a circus, but oh, so fun!
Here, the three little boys are bedding down with Joanna and Jemima on the living room floor.

Our whole family :)

We spent New Year's Day at the Eldredge's house and
Susanne agreed to take the "U & B" family picture!


  1. Thanks for sharing the pictures... it made it seem as though I had been with you all. ☺

  2. Nice pics Mary! thx for posting them.
    ~Sarah Ruth~
