Friday, October 10, 2008

Family Camp... behind the scenes work

You can never make too many cookies for camp!
Jemima and Megan baking

So, were they working? Or were they playing?
They almost look like they are plotting something... Girls?
Hannah and Joanna

An impromptu leadership huddle...
"What do we do about ___ ?"

Mandie, Tina, and Megan dividing the spoils for everyone
(Leftover food -- Camp is over)

The fun begins - balancing the books after camp!
Joy, Liz, Mary, Jemima

1 comment:

  1. That looks like a very fun time ya'll had! I have to say that I like serving the best at camp, but someone has to do the mopping, wiping..etc...Way to go 'Zaiah for wearing the apron! You look swell in it!
