Friday, August 29, 2008

Those Blessed Books!

I'm finally, finally studying for the North American Registry of Midwives (NARM) exam that is one of the final steps towards becoming a Certified Professional Midwife!

I've dearly wanted to study for the past four years, but my obligations at the Capitol have had to come first, so I've barely cracked a book in years.

But now we've legalized the midwives in Missouri, so I can really and truly become one! I can't wait!

Since I am now free to study, I am trying to carefully guard a few hours of day to do just that. Some days tomato canning consumes the whole day, but other days I actually retreat to my bedroom and pile of books. I don't usually get as much done as I aim for, but it feels wonderful just to be sitting in a pile of books and papers and folders and forms!

Teratogenic effects of drugs, neonatal infections, placental sufficiency, sickle cell traits, endometritis, cystoceles, rectoceles, fetal tachycardia in labor.... and even words like suboccipitobregmatic diameter... All of these need to be far more than words and definitions in my head.

I'm learning again... finally. And I love it!

I hope I am sitting for the NARM exam next August and a CPM by the end of next year!


  1. Yay! Good for you.


  2. I just found your blog...and I'm so excited for you! I was studying to be a midwife before I was married. I don't know what the Lord is going to do with my interest in that area...

    We need more christian midwives... :-)

  3. I say "Amen" to Laurel's comment, I can hardly wait to cheer for you once you're a CPM!

  4. I am overjoyed to hear of our desire to be a midwife. I came across your blog couple of weeks ago and so this is news to me!! I am a mother of a 1 year old daughter and 1 to arrive in march and we had a home birth and a christian midwife. I cannot explain what a blessing she has been and will continue to be in our lives, i know there are more women all over the country who need the same care and love that only a midwife called by Christ can fulfill. I pray your studies be fruitful and your journey be wonderful!
    Many Blessings,

  5. I know I'm getting in late on this, but I just wanted to say that this is such wonderful news!!!

    I pray the Lord will bless you as you study and work towards such a geat goal. :)
