Blogging seems to be becoming a once a week discipline for me with my crazy schedule and my erratic internet connection. I guess some is better than none.
And the lack of pictures.... yes, it's because I'm only able to use my laptop right now, and my pictures are all in the other computer which seems to be ill currently.
I really miss updating you all with pictures... There will be a bunch whenever I can access them again.
I've really been enjoying John Piper's book, The Godward Life, in recent days.
A snippet...
Truth is sacrificed on the altar of self-justification. It is an old tale. From Cain (Gen. 4:9) to American presidents, truth has been sacrificed to desire, and the mind has been shrewdly employed by the darkened heart to shroud its passions. This is the point of Romans 1:18: "They suppress the truth in unrighteousness."
Truth is held hostage by the unrighteous commitments of the heart.
I wonder what unrighteous commitments are holding truth hostage in my heart?
I have some very long posts in the works... one on marriage and forgiveness (yeah, right. I know, what do I know? Probably not much), and one on the pro-life movement and where they've missed the mark.
I'll try to finish them up soon and get them posted...
Tomorrow I go back to the Capitol for my last day there till next week. Sometimes it's a discouraging place to be. As my friend who was there with me today put it, "This is a place where nobody really likes anybody else, but they all pretend that everyone else is their best friend."
True. She figured that out pretty fast.
Then a lobbyist cornered me and asked which candidate I was supporting in a particular race. Um... ah... that was an uncomfortable question because of all of the politics going on surrounding this particular race and not something I was exactly planning to explain to just anybody... When I told him that I wasn't officially taking sides, he said, "Oh, well I heard that you were supporting ____ and I totally disagree with that choice..."
Um, no, I never said who I was supporting, but rumors travel fast, especially in the Capitol building. I straightened him out...
Then one of the legislators wanted to fill me in on the latest that he had learned about another legislator who recently committed a crime and hasn't been charged. The first legislator wanted me to rat on the other legislator. I didn't think it was the right time or my responsibility. I tried to explain why I couldn't do it. He didn't understand.
One of my favorite legislative staffers who is always nice seemed to be really mad about something that our group had done. But he wouldn't explain what the problem and was and just shut the door. There wasn't anything I could do because he obviously didn't even want to explain why he was mad at us. I hope I see him tomorrow and can ask him... well, actually I don't want to see him. I hate confrontation, but I want to know why he's upset so we can correct whatever it is.
Then I went to dinner with a lady who is some people might equate with the devil. I disagree with everything that she pours her life into, but she's bitter and hurting and needs Jesus. I love her, but dinner was slightly awkward.
I look forward to the day when I don't go back to the Capitol every week!
And now it's late, and here I sit blogging about nothing in particular instead of going to bed.
I think I'll close up shop for now...
The marriage post is bound to be interesting, really. Moreso for yourself, since you'll be able to look back and see how your perceptions have changed from before to after. As for me, one of the major reasons I dislike writing is, well, I'm too full of myself and dislike the humility that comes when I realize just how foolish I was and probably am.
ReplyDeleteThe most recent batch of that was when my parents were going through my old things in preparing a slideshow for my wedding. Seeing pictures of yourself as a kid wearing shorts and cowboy boots can deflate the ego baloon quickly. Then they found the 3rd grade stories I had to write for school, which was like running what was left of the balloon through the garbage disposal. It's probably for my own good, cause I can see that God has clearly done some amazing things in light of what I was like.