Thursday, December 6, 2007

Love That Will Not Let Me Go

Some of you who have known our family for a long time will remember Melody. She lived with our family for about a year in 2001 while her parents were going through a very ugly divorce situation.

Back then, Melody was 16, and with all the turmoil in her so-called Christian family, she didn't know what to believe anymore. When she left our family and moved on, we were very sad as she had become like a sister and daughter to our family. We didn't know what to do except pray for her.

For several years, she turned her back on everything she had been taught and found herself in a depressed, downward spiral. Her life was a mess - drugs, broken, abusive relationships, and a very lost and miserable Melody.

A couple of years ago, in desperation, Melody sought the truth. The truth set her free, and she found herself unconditionally loved by the God she had spent so much time running away from.

Many friends still ask how she's doing. I decided it's time to give you all and update AND a picture of her with her sweet little boys!

Melody is now happily married to a wonderful guy and just had her second baby. She is delighting in being a wife and mother, and life is good. My sisters recently stayed with her for a few days to help her get back on her feet after the birth and came home all smiles about what a joy it is to see Melody loving the Lord and seeking to please Him with her life. It brings a smile to my face just to see or think of her and her joy.

I'm so thankful that God loves us enough to seek us as wanderers from the fold....

O Love that will not let me go,
I rest my weary soul in Thee;
I give Thee back the life I owe,
That in Thine ocean depths its flow
May richer, fuller be.


  1. Awww, what *very* happy news, Mary! We so enjoyed meeting Melody when you all visited up here that summer, and were sad to hear the turn her life had taken. It's SO good to hear what God has been doing, He's so faithful. :-D That's a precious photo, too...thanks for sharing!

  2. How wonderful!! :)

    Yehoshua saw that picture, and said that that was how he was going to be when our new baby comes -- helping with it. :)
