Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Thanksgiving Day at our house
Thanksgiving pies... The girls went to town with baking this year, and we had far more pies than we could eat Thanksgiving day!
Jemima and Becca busy cooking a huge breakfast Saturday morning. Becca is our good friend from China who is currently back in the States, in school to become a Physician's Assistant so she can be of more help in China... We are so glad she chose to come and spend part of her Thanksgiving weekend with us! Jemima and Liz love to get together with her and reminisce about the three unforgettable weeks they spent at her place in China this past spring...
Adam (3), our little "adopted nephew" loved building blocks with Dad, who he affectionately calls "grampa". He ran in our front door early in the morning, while his mommy and daddy were still in bed, and called out, "Morning, everybody! Grampa, wanna build blocks with me?"
Story time for Adam(3) and Carolanne (1). We're sad that they live so far away (Nebraska) and that they're moving even farther away (Nevada). At least, we do manage to see each other a couple of times a year for a few wonderfully fun days!
Everyone wanted to hold Thaddeus (6 months) but Mom won here as she got him to sleep!
Thaddeus with his daddy, Abe B.
The four wheelers were a major hit with the guys, who would ride them for a few hours, go buy some more gas, drive some more, and then have to share with the girls who wanted to drive them nearly as much!
The boys have had ATVs for years, but it's been a long time since they've had more than one running at a time, and running well enough not to worry about walking back!
And, Thanksgiving weekend concluded Sunday with lots of pilgrims in attendance at church....
I enjoyed the pictures very much!! :) Where (what state) is Rebekah going to school? And how is Sarah doing? I forgot to ask you how they were the last time we talked! :)