Wednesday, November 7, 2007
May A Mortal Sing Thy Name?
Mighty God, while angels bless Thee,
May a mortal sing Thy name?
Lord of men, as well as angels,
Thou art every creature's theme.
Lord of ev'ry land and nation;
Ancient of eternal days,
Sounded thro' the wide creation,
Be Thy just and endless praise.
For the grandeur of Thy nature,
Grand beyond a seraph's thought;
For the wonders of creation;
Works with skill and kindness wrought;
For Thy providence that governs
Thro' Thine empire's wide domain,
Wings an angel, guides a sparrow,
Blessed be Thy gentle reign,
But Thy rich, Thy free redemption,
Bright tho' veiled in darkness long;
Thought is poor and poor expression;
Who can sing that wondrous song?
Brightness of the Father's glory,
Shall Thy praise unuttered lie?
Break my tongue such guilty silence!
Sing the Lord who came to die.
From the highest throne of glory
To the cross of deepest woe,
Thou didst stoop to ransom captives;
Flow, my praise forever flow.
Reascend, immortal Saviour,
Leave Thy footstool, take Thy throne:
Thence return, and reign forever:
Be the kingdom all Thine own!
~ Robert Robinson
Singing this hymn always brings at least a few pangs of conviction to my heart.
It reaffirms to me the most noble and honored task I have of spreading the news of the glories of my Lord. And it reminds me how little and apathetically I do it.
I have several friends who are in various stages of marriage, courtship, engagement right now. As they should be, they are bursting with the wonders and greatness of the man they love. They almost appear bored if the conversation switches to something else. They are nice to their friends, but everyone can tell their heart is somewhere else. Their profile pictures online aren't just a picture of them; they are the best picture they can find that includes their sweetheart.
They don't have to try to focus on their lover... They almost have to force themselves to talk about something else and to talk politely to other people about other subjects.
Want to talk about how great their man is or hear about what wonderful things he has done for them this week? Their face lights up, and all aglow, they happily tell you everything wonderful they can think of! They never, ever run out of things to say about him. The rest of us see him as a great guy, but a mere human and smile at their sweet, blind love.
How often do the angels who bask in the presence of the great God, smile sadly at my weak estimation of His worth, my ignorant praise of his immense value, my slight comprehension of my pardon at Calvary, my weak "thank you" for my very breath and life?
How do I find myself struggling to find something to say about my Lord to someone I have just met who does not know anything of His worth, goodness, and majestic holiness?
Break my tongue such guilty silence!
That is my prayer for this weekend which I will spend with dozens of people who do not know the goodness of my Lord or even begin to comprehend His mercy extended to them.
Oh, for a tongue bursting with the glories and greatness of my God!
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