Sunday, October 21, 2007

Scrambled eggs and winter mornings

Last night I was at my friend, Tyana's bridal shower, and her mother-in-law-to-be did a little devotion, sharing collective wisdom from the mothers and grandmothers from both sides of the family.

She shared a story from her personal experience that was just so good that I have to repeat it here.

She said that her friend, Anita, (who's been married for something like 25 or 30 years) and has eight children, still, after all of these years, finds it her joy and privilege to serve her husband out of love. Not just to be a "wife and mommy", but to specifically find ways to serve and bless her husband daily.

One of the ways she does that is by getting up early every morning and making him a delicious breakfast before he leaves for work. That's during the summer. During the winter, not only does she get up and make him a delicious breakfast, but once she has it prepared and he is enjoying breakfast, she hurries out to his car and starts it warming up, scrapes the ice off the windows, and if needed, shovels the snow out of the way! Talk about one wife who finds it her joy to serve her husband, day in and day out after all these years.

Mrs. Shelly Burks who was telling the story said, "I always say, Anita, why do you do that? You're a busy mom! He's a man. You don't have to warm and scrape his car every morning!"

She said that Anita always replies, "Because I love him! I want to do it for him!"

What a refreshing attitude - love that keeps giving - in today's society...

1 comment:

  1. This is the beautiful soul of a woman who serves her children, parents, friends, and her LORD with the same, self-sacrifing, joyful, thankful heart. "Your beauty should ... be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight" I Peter 3:3
